The Canadian National Martial Arts Team is built up of individuals that range from the ages of 4 and older and are of all ranks from white to black belt. Team Canada travels to various countries to represent their country in competition. Team Canada has traveled to various countries such as Mexico, Cuba, Panama, and Costa Rica in competitions such as the International Congress of Martial Arts and the Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame World Championships.
Our mission is to take part in international competitions to represent their country as well as meet new martial artists from around the world and learn from their experiences. Team Canada helps train all athletes leading up to the events to help them be the best representation of their country as possible. Team Canada has been recognized by the Ministry of Sport, local MP’s, MPP’s, Mayors, as well as the Prime Minister of Canada for their ongoing enthusiasm and dedication to their country and the martial arts.
International Congress of Martial Arts
The International Congress of Martial Arts is an organization that hosts an annual competition every January called the International Games. This competition brings competitors from different countries together in a high caliber competition. Competitions have been held in different countries such as Panama, Cuba and most recent, Costa Rica. The International Games brings competitors to the same place to compete for their countries. The goal for the games is to give a highly competitive atmosphere paired with respect and the development of new and lasting friendships between countries. Top awards given out in the competition are the Black Belt Triple Crown titles (A Black Belt must win a gold medal in 3 different events in a single year) and the Most Valuable Player award (A competitor must stand out to the officials for their behaviour, respect and sportsmanship).
Universal Martial Arts Hall Of Fame
The Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame has four basis objectives. To recognize and reward those who make significant contributions to the martial arts, establish profession standards for achievements in the martial arts, promote interest in the martial arts; and to support charitable causes, and to enrich and empower the youth of our nation. Every year the Universal Martial Arts Hall of Fame hosts an annual competition and banquet bringing in many top martial artist to the same place. The banquet takes the time to recognize the martial artists that have done something great for the community or have deserved to be recognized for their efforts in competitions, teachings, or many other contributions.