Good luck Team Canada 2020!
(December 26 2019) - Good luck to everyone competing in the International Games in Costa Rica from January 3rd - 10th, 2020!

Team Canada Meeting February 2018
(January 23 2018) - We will be having our Team Canada get together and 2019 information meeting on Sunday February 25th at 12:30pm.
This meeting is open to all who participated on the 2018 team as well as for those who are interested in joining us for January 2019 in Jamaica.

2017 Team Canada Get Together
(January 19 2017) - Another successful International Games has passed. Results can be found on our tournament page.
Our Team Canada get together will be taking place on Sunday February 26th at 12:30 at Shamuon Generation of Martial Arts.
If you are interested in attending the 2018 International Games with the Canadian National Martial Arts Team…

ICoMA in the News in Mexico
(January 15 2016) - During our competition in Mexico, we were lucky to have the media there to take pictures and report on our event.
Here are two articles that were made about the International Games featuring Team Canada athletes.
Online Article 1:
Article 2 in print:

Team Canada Information Meeting 2014
(February 19 2014) - On Sunday February 23rd, 2014. Team Canada will be having it's annual Team Canada get together and information meeting.
We will be presenting the Team Canada yearbook, a slideshow from our 2014 International Games and will give out information on our 2015 plans.
This will take place at Shamuon…